Weather – By Xiaomi

Weather - By Xiaomi

Weather – By Xiaomi is one of the pre-installed and most requested applications. Just click on the widget and you will quickly find out the weather in your area.


The “Weather” icon on Xiaomi is located on the desktop.

When you open it for the first time, the utility will ask you to provide permissions to access your location. You must agree, as this will allow the program to provide up-to-date information at your current location.

The main screen displays information about temperature, cloudiness, a brief forecast for the next three days.

If you scroll down the page, you will see a detailed forecast broken down by several hours:

  • sunrise and sunset data
  • humidity level
  • pressure
  • wind speed
  • ultraviolet radiation index and the probability of rain in percent.

The information comes from the AccuWeather source.

How to set up apps:

In the upper right part of the screen, there is an icon in the form of three vertical dots. Clicking on it will open the settings menu.

Here it is possible to choose the temperature display units – in Celsius or Fahrenheit.

Wind speed can be displayed:

  • on the Beaufort scale
  • in kilometers per hour
  • meters per second
  • miles per hour
  • and even nodes.

Atmospheric pressure level can be measured in:

  • millibars
  • hectopascals
  • mmHg
  • inches of mercury
  • in physical atmospheres.

Updates will come periodically, so you can select the function so that the program is updated only at night. And sound effects will allow you to always be aware of weather changes.

Possibility to add up to 10 cities

By clicking on the “+” image, which is located at the top left, you will open access to viewing the weather of the city you need around the world.

weather by xiaomi

You can add up to 10 settlements. And you will be aware of the weather conditions in different cities. It is convenient that when entering the name, the device gives hints.

Settlements will be displayed on the main screen of the utility. Swipe left/right to switch between them. The location you are currently in is indicated by a GPS icon.

“Weather” by Xiaomi consumes very little energy, so the utility will not greatly affect the battery life.

Short Detail:

Name:Weather By Xiaomi
Latest VersionG-
Updated:March 5, 2023
Developer:Xiaomi Inc.
Installations:1 000 000 0+
Minimum VersionAndroid 7+


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